Searching for employment can be an overwhelming and intimidating ordeal, especially in today’s job search market. Welcome to Document Developers,
specializing in résumé preparation, workshops, presentations and career coaching for individuals who are searching for security and success in their futures. From business organization consulting, customizing resumes, interview, and salary negotiation coaching, and career assessments, we have the means to hone your abilities until you get that perfect job you’ve always wanted.
Thank you for choosing Document Developers
for our job search services. Our goal is to provide distinctive credentials, career-enhancing strategies, and marketing materials to job seekers to drive their careers. We can...
- Develop a résumé from scratch or revise, update, reformat an old résumé
- Create targeted cover letters; develop reference page
- Create personal profile for Web/online submission of résumé
- Distribute résumé to recruiters/headhunters regionally or nationally through affiliate partners
- Administer/Interpret DISC Assessments
- Develop federal résumé based on position vacancy announcements; write KSA' s
- Coach for career transition, interview, and salary negotiation; job searches
- Maintain files for updates